About the Journal

About the Journal


The Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH) is an online electronic publication. It is an internationally-accessed, peer-reviewed open access journal.


The journal addresses the current issues from the field of social sciences and humanities. Submitted papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Journal. The audience includes researchers, managers and operators for social sciences and humanities as well as designers and developers. All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing. 


Budapest Open Access Initiative:

This journal provides instant access to its content on the principle that free availability of research journals to the public contributes to the global exchange of knowledge.


Frequency: 4 issue per year: January, April, July, and October

Language: English, Tamil, and Malay

Level of publication: International


Aims and Scope:


Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH) hosts forum for research institutes, graduate, and Ph.D. students, academic and non-academic researchers also for research teams to carry out debates on relevant issues across all field of Social Sciences and Humanities, including;


  • Language and Literature
  • Education
  • Ethnic Relations
  • Historical and Civilization Studies
  • Sociology and Anthropology
  • Arts and Culture
  • Social and Economic Development
  • Psychology and Human Development
  • Politics and Governance
  • Philosophy
  • Media Communications