Designing an ICT guiding framework for science teachers in rural Tamil schools in Perak [Pembinaan kerangka panduan ICT bagi mata pelajaran sains untuk guru-guru SJK(T) di luar bandar di negeri Perak]
ICT, Sekolah Tamil, PdPc Sains, Luar bandar, Tamil schools, T&L Science, Rural areaAbstract
Kajian ini bertujuan meneliti Pengajaran dan Pemudahcaraan (PdPc) mata pelajaran Sains menggunakan Information Communication Technology (ICT) sebagai media instruksi dalam kalangan guru dan murid di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsan (Tamil) luar bandar di negeri Perak. Kajian ini dijalankan terhadap guru-guru Sains dan murid-murid darjah empat di SJK(T) luar bandar di negeri Perak. Kajian ini berbentuk gabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif (Mix Method) yang melibatkan tiga instrumen utama iaitu instrumen pemerhatian, temu bual semi berstruktur dan soal selidik. Data kajian kualitatif dikumpulkan, diproses serta dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Quirkos manakala data-data kuantitatif dikira menggunakan peratusan mudah. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan penguasaan TPACK dalam kalangan guru masih berada pada tahap yang rendah. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan guru-guru menghadapi pelbagai halangan dalam penggunaan ICT semasa PdPc Sains iaitu kecapaian internet, halangan dari segi sikap ibu bapa dan murid, masa, kemudahan dan peralatan, pemasangan dan teknikal, gangguan elektrik, dan bahasa. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan guru-guru menggunakan ICT semasa PdPc Sains kerana ICT membantu murid, guru dan memberi sokongan untuk menjalankan PdPc Sains. 90% murid bersetuju yang penggunaan ICT semasa PdPc Sains meningkatkan Motivasi Dalaman. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan murid-murid bersetuju yang capaian internet, kesihatan, masa, keluarga, kemudahan komputer di rumah, sekolah dan adaptasi menjadi penghalang untuk menggunakan ICT semasa PdPc Sains. Murid-murid mengaku penggunaan ICT semasa PdPc Sains menarik kerana elemen - elemen ICT, merangsang minat dan membantu pembelajaran. Berlandaskan dapatan-dapatan kajian ini, satu kerangka panduan efektif, kompeten dan lengkap telah pun dihasilkan. Kerangka panduan efektif ini, berpotensi dijadikan sebagai panduan memperluaskan penggunaan ICT semasa PdPc Sains dijalankan di sekolah-sekolah luar bandar. Melalui kajian ini, satu budaya penggunaan ICT yang mantap diterapkan dalam proses PdPc Sains di SJK(T) luar bandar yang boleh dijadikan amalan pelbagai pihak yang berkepentingan.
[This study aims to examine Science Teaching and Facilitation (T&F) using Information Communication Technology (ICT) as an instructional medium among teachers and students in rural Tamil vernacular schools in Perak. This study was conducted on science teachers and standard four students in rural Tamil vernacular schools in Perak. The study was a combination of qualitative and quantitative (Mix Method) involving three main instruments, observation, semi structured interviews and questionnaires. Qualitative study data were collected, processed and analyzed using Quirkos software while quantitative data were calculated using a simple percentage. The findings show that the mastery of TPACK among teachers is still low. The findings also show that teachers face various obstacles in the use of ICT during T&F Science Internet access, barriers in terms of parental and student attitudes, time, facilities and equipment, installation and technical, electrical disturbances, and languages. The findings also show that teachers are using ICT during T&F Science because ICT helps students, teachers and supporters to run T&F Science. 90% of students agree that the current ICT usage of T&F Science increases Internal Motivation. The findings show that students agree that internet access, health, time, family, home computer facilities, schools and adaptation become a barrier to using ICT during Science. Students admit the use of ICT during T&F Science is interesting because of ICT elements, stimulating interest and helping learning. Based on the findings of this study, an effective, competent and complete guidance framework has been developed. This effective guidance framework has the potential to serve as a guide to expanding the use of ICT during T&F Science conducted in rural schools. Through this study, a strong ICT utilization culture is applied in the T&L Science process in rural Tamil vernacular schools which can be used as a multi-stakeholder practice.]
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