The leadership style of outdoor activities coach and motivation level of UKM’s students [Stail kepimpinan jurulatih aktiviti luar dengan tahap motivasi pelajar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia]


  • Mohd Syahid Mohd Razali National University of Malaysia
  • Norlena Salamuddin National University of Malaysia
  • Mohammad Fuad Shanizan Azmain National University of Malaysia
  • Mohd Khairul Anwar Md Yusof National University of Malaysia


Outdoor activities, leadership, motivation, coach, recreational


The purpose of this research is to explain the existence of a relevancy between the outdoor activities coach’s leadership style towards the student’s level of motivation that were determined according to their age, sex, type of activities they were involved in and their duration of studies in the Faculty of Recreational Sports Education and Rakan Media Club, UKM. A group of 80 outdoors’ students of Faculty of Education and Rakan Muda Club was selected as a respondent. The Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) was used as the measuring instrument to determine the two dimensional model of the coach’s leadership style by using structural adjustments and consideration and initiating structure, while a Questionaire of Individual Differences in Achieving Tendency (QMAT) was used to measure the level of motivation among the students. The result of the studies indicates a strong tendency between the coach, leadership style and the student’s level of motivation. This research concludes that students will be more motivated if the coach performs a high leadership style in two-dimensional structural adjustments and Consideration and Initiating structure. The result of the research supports the previous findings, which indicate that the leadership style of the coach predisposes the student’s motivational level. The first and second hypotheses were rejected while the third and fourth hypothesis are failing to reject. This paper suggests the further studies will consider identifying other variables that predispose to the participant motivational level.

[Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti sama ada terdapat perkaitan diantara stail kepimpinan jurulatih aktiviti luar dengan tahap motivasi pelajar dan untuk menentukan adakah terdapat perbezaan pada tahap motivasi pelajar mengikut jantina, umur, jenis aktiviti yang diceburi dan tempoh pengajian di Fakulti Pendidikan Sukan Rekreasi dan Kelab Rakan Muda, UKM. Seramai 80 orang pelajar aktiviti luar, Fakulti Pendidikan dan Kelab Rakan Muda, telah dipilih sebagai responden. Alat ukur Leader Behavior Description Questionaire (LBDQ) digunakan untuk mengukur dua dimensi kepimpinan jurulatih iaitu kepimpinan pendayautamaan struktur dan kepimpinan timbang rasa manakala alat ukur A Questionaire of Individual Differences in Achieving Tendency (QMAT) di gunakan untuk mengukur tahap motivasi pelajar. Bagi maklumat demografi, para pelajar diminta memberi maklumat seperti jantina, umur, kategori aktiviti dan jangkamasa berada di Fakulti Pendidikan dan Kelab Rakan Muda, UKM. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang sangat kuat di antara stail kepimpinan jurulatih dengan tahap motivasi pelajar. Hasil penyelidikan ini dapat disimpulkan bahawa pelajar akan lebih bermotivasi jika jurulatih mengamalkan stail kepimpinan yang tinggi dalam dimensi pendayautamaan struktur dan timbang rasa . Dapatan kajian juga menyokong dapatan penyelidik lain bahawa stail kepimpinan jurulatih masih mempunyai pengaruh ke atas motivasi pelajar. Hipotesis pertama dan hipotesis kedua ditolak dalam kajian ini dan hasil keputusan bagi hipotesis ketiga dan keempat menunjukkan bahawa hipotesis ini gagal ditolak. Cadangan kajian adalah agar lebih banyak kajian yang dibuat dengan lebih luas dan terbuka dan pembolehubah-pembolehubah lain yang mempunyai kesan terhadap motivasi peserta juga diambil kira.]


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How to Cite

Mohd Razali, M. S., Salamuddin, N. ., Azmain, M. F. S. ., & Md Yusof, M. K. A. (2018). The leadership style of outdoor activities coach and motivation level of UKM’s students [Stail kepimpinan jurulatih aktiviti luar dengan tahap motivasi pelajar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia] . Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(1), 28-39.