Divorce among the Kandyan Muslims in Sri Lanka
Divorce, Muslim, Sri Lanka, QuaziAbstract
Divorce is the legal dissolution of marriage. The occurrence of divorce has been increased among Muslims in Sri Lanka. This study was conducted to find out the divorce trend, causes of divorce, and its impacts on divorced women and men among the Muslim community in Udunuwara Divisional Secretariat region in Kandy, Sri Lanka. A mixed method research design approach was used. Interview and observation were applied for collecting data. Finding of this study revealed many important factors related to divorce. Within last ten year period, highest number of divorce were registered as Faskh by women and Talak my men in this region. Such trend becomes a serious social issue among them and negative impacts are severe than positive impacts among effected women. Immediate actions are compulsory to address this social issue to reduce the divorce rate and preserve the sanctity of the family institutions and society for next generation.
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