Keberkesanan bengkel dalam meningkatkan kemahiran teknologi maklumat dan motivasi guru terhadap proses penilaian dalam talian
Information Technology and Communication, Motivasi, Online Assessment, Tamil Teachers, Workshop, Kemahiran Tekonologi dan Komunikasi, Penilaian dalam Talian, Guru Bahasa Tamil, BengkelAbstract
Workshops are an on-going approach to increase the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) skills and motivation of teachers in the implementation of 21st Century Learning. This study aims to design and implement an online assessments (OA) workshop as well as evaluating the effectiveness of workshops in enhancing the ICT skills and motivation level of Tamil language teachers. In addition, a survey of the motivational level of teachers towards OA before and after the workshop has been conducted. This study uses quantitative and qualitative research methodology. A total of 50 Tamil language teachers were selected as the research respondents through purposive sampling. The data collection was done through interviews, questionnaires, as well as pre and post-tests. The OA workshop was designed and carried out based on nine main themes derived from the interview instrument. The effectiveness of the workshop was analysed through an experimental method using the pre and post-test instruments. The results of the study using a Paired T-test have found significant differences with t(49) = -40.86, p = 0.000, p< 0.05 between pre-test and post-test on the level of ICT skills in OA among Tamil language teachers. Meanwhile, the motivation level of Tamil language teachers towards OA was evaluated through questionnaires and analysed via the Paired T-test. The analysis showed that t(49) = -8.373, p = 0.000, p<0.05 indicated a significant difference in the motivation level towards OA after attending the workshop. Correlation analysis, on the other hand, indicated a medium correlation value r(0.350) between ICT skills and the motivation level towards OA after the Tamil language teachers attended the OA workshop. This proves that the teachers’ motivation increases in tandem with the increase in ICT skills after attending the OA workshop. The implication of this study is that the implementation of workshops to guide teachers towards the adoption of ICT in OA as well as increasing the motivation among teachers is effective and extendable to other teachers.
[Bengkel merupakan satu pendekatan yang berterusan untuk meningkatkan kemahiran Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK) dan tahap motivasi seseorang guru dalam pelaksanaan Pembelajaran abad ke-21 (PAK21). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mereka bentuk dan melaksanakan bengkel Penilaian Dalam Talian (PDT) serta menilai keberkesanan bengkel dalam meningkatkan kemahiran TMK dan tahap motivasi para guru Bahasa Tamil. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Seramai 50 orang guru Bahasa Tamil telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian melalui persampelan bertujuan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menerusi instrumen temubual, soal selidik dan ujian pra dan pasca. Bengkel PDT telah direka bentuk dan dijalankan berasaskan sembilan tema utama yang diperoleh daripada instrumen temu bual. Keberkesanan bengkel dianalisis melalui kaedah eksperimental dengan menggunakan instrumen ujian pra dan pasca. Hasil dapatan kajian dengan menggunakan ujian T berpasangan, mendapati perbezaan yang signifikan dengan nilai t(49)=-40.86, (p= 0.000, p< 0.05) di antara ujian pra dan ujian pasca terhadap tahap penguasaan kemahiran TMK dalam PDT bagi guru Bahasa Tamil. Manakala, tahap motivasi guru Bahasa Tamil terhadap PDT dinilai melalui soal selidik dan dianalisis melalui ujian T berpasangan. Analisis menunjukkan nilai t(49)=-8.373,(p= 0.000, p<0.05) menunjukkan perbezaan signifikan dalam tahap motivasi dalam PDT selepas menghadiri bengkel. Analisis korelasi pula menunjukkan bahawa terdapat nilai korelasi sederhana kuat r(0.350) antara tahap kemahiran TMK dan tahap motivasi terhadap PDT selepas guru Bahasa Tamil menghadiri bengkel PDT.Ini membuktikan motivasi guru meningkat sejajar dengan peningkatan tahap kemahiran TMK selepas menghadiri bengkel PDT. Implikasi kajian ini ialah pelaksanaan bengkel untuk membimbing guru ke arah memahami penerapan TMK dalam PDT serta meningkatkan motivasi dalam kalangan guru adalah berkesan dan boleh diperluaskan kepada guru-guru lain.]
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