Amalan kepimpinan autentik guru besar dan pengaruhnya terhadap motivasi kerja dan komitmen guru-guru sekolah rendah negeri Pulau Pinang
Authentic leadership practices, work motivation, commitment of primary school teachers, Amalan kepimpinan autentik, motivasi kerja, komitmen guru-guru sekolah rendahAbstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the authentic leadership practices of headmasters and its influence on the work motivation and commitment of primary school teachers in Penang. Data were collected through a survey of 69 respondents consisting of headmasters representing the state of Penang. Data of 69 respondents were analyzed using multiple correlation and regression analysis. Based on the results of correlation analysis showed that all dimensions of headmaster leadership style have a significant relationship at p<.01 moderate level with organizational commitment while multiple regression analysis found that the main predictor of headmaster transformational leadership style is individual consideration dimension contributed 11.4% to organizational commitment in the regression model 1. The findings of the study show that the authentic leadership practices of headmasters have a relationship and influence on the commitment of primary school teachers in Penang
[Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk meneliti amalan kepimpinan autentik guru besar dan pengaruhnya terhadap motivasi kerja dan komitmen guru-guru sekolah rendah negeri Pulau Pinang. Data dikumpul melalui tinjauan terhadap 50 reponden yang terdiri daripada guru besar mewakili negeri Pulau Pinang. Data 50 responden telah dianalisis menggunakan analisis korelasi dan regresi pelbagai. Berdasarkan keputusan analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahawa kesemua dimensi gaya kepemimpinan guru besar mempunyai hubungan signifikan pada aras p<.01 yang sederhana dengan komitmen organisasi manakala analisis regresi pelbagai mendapati bahawa peramal utama bagi gaya kepemimpinan transformasi guru besar ialah dimensi pertimbangan secara individu memberi sumbangan sebanyak 11.4% kepada komitmen organisasi dalam model regresi 1. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa amalan kepimpinan autentik guru besar mempunyai hubungan dan pengaruh terhadap komitmen guru-guru sekolah rendah negeri Pulau Pinang.]
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