Conceptualizing principal's servant leadership with religious values and power distance in relation to teachers' job satisfaction
Servant Leadership, Principal Leadership, Teachers' Job Satisfaction, Power DistanceAbstract
This article investigates the interrelationship among principal's servant leadership, principal's religious values, and power distance; and their impact on teachers' job satisfaction in Bangladesh. We frame our discussion in the context of the country's secondary and higher secondary level educational institutions. The education policy in Bangladeshi schools and colleges is biased toward educational administration. As such, a top-down hierarchical administration has developed that has invariably tended to focus on educational administration and management, not on any educational leadership, let alone consider teachers' job satisfaction. Servant leadership theory has been used as the underpinning theoretical framework to establish the relationship between principal leadership and teachers' job satisfaction. This paper contributes to the literature by extending servant leadership theory concerning teachers' job satisfaction, particularly in contexts where Islam is predominant. Religious values, particularly, Islamic values in Bangladeshi society are pervasive in effect. So, in the existing top-down bureaucratic educational administration which is a collocation of power distance, principal’s religious values would steer the relationship of principal's servant leadership and teachers' job satisfaction to a positive end.
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