Teachers' positive feedback practices on struggling readers in junior secondary


  • Naina Mohamed Mohamed Safeek Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • Kway Eng Hock Faculty of Human Development, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia.


Positive feedback, Struggling readers, Junior secondary, Sri Lanka


Feedback is a cornerstone in education, profoundly influencing students' educational journeys and achievements. This study aims to investigate the impact of positive feedback practices among teachers on struggling readers in Sri Lanka's junior secondary education context. The objectives are to assess the specific positive feedback strategies employed by teachers, to evaluate the perceived effectiveness of these practices, to investigate the challenges and obstacles teachers encounter during their implementation, and to identify effective strategies, and determine the factors that predict positive feedback practices. The research employed a survey-based design, collecting data from 199 junior secondary teachers, randomly selected from various teaching experiences, subjects, and school locations. A purpose-built survey is administered online via Google forms, and data were analyzed using SPSS, involving descriptive statistics, thematic content analysis, and linear regression. The study revealed diverse participant representation, reflecting the multifaceted junior secondary education landscape. Positive feedback practices were prevalent, emphasizing effective feedback, effort encouragement, and a supportive environment. Perceived effectiveness was moderate, suggesting room for improvement. Teachers faced challenges including resource shortages, absenteeism, and student motivation, but offered solutions such as reading programs and parental involvement. Regression analysis identified a significant positive relationship between positive feedback practices and their overall effectiveness, highlighting their crucial role in supporting struggling readers.


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Mohamed Safeek , N. M. ., & Eng Hock , K. . (2023). Teachers’ positive feedback practices on struggling readers in junior secondary. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 8(1), 86-103. https://doi.org/10.33306/mjssh/267