Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: the function of environmental connectedness, environmental ethics, & environmental knowledge
Environmental Connectedness, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Knowledge, Pro-Environmental BehaviourAbstract
The environment is essential in determining the well-being and quality of human life. The rapid development of human civilization causes humans to depend highly on the world of science and technology. Unfortunately, this speed causes people to become complacent in carrying out their responsibility to protect the environment. The effects of these activities have begun to be felt by today's generation. Despite a strong consensus about human environmental responsibility, many people fail to behave in line with their pro-environmental behaviour. This study examines the interrelationship between environmental connectedness, ethics, knowledge, and pro-environmental behaviour. The quantitative survey method and convenience sampling collected data from the Malaysian public. The final valid data of 247 respondents were analysed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis conducted within SPSS. The regression results showed that environmental connectedness, ethics, and knowledge significantly influenced pro-environmental behaviour. These results indicate that citizens who are emotionally attached to the environment, ethically value the environment, and are highly knowledgeable on how to preserve and conserve the environment will help guarantee a comfortable life. Several theoretical and practical implications are also highlighted in this paper.
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