Gender influences on learners’ willingness to communicate in English using computer mediated communication tool
Willingness to Communicate, English, Computer Mediated Communication Tool, Gender, ClassroomAbstract
Many Malaysian students struggle with English communication after 11 years of learning from primary school to secondary school. Despite extensive research, there is a gap in gender-based studies on learner's willingness to communicate (WTC) in Malaysian settings. Prior findings also reveal that early teens are getting actively engaged in digital communication in the current cyber age and those indications have derived the present study to investigate on the influence of gender and the effectiveness of CMC tool in fostering WTC in English. 224 secondary school students' WTC was measured using a survey to ascertain the influence of gender, and the effectiveness of the CMC tool in raising students' WTC in English was examined using a non-equivalent quasi-experimental study. The survey's Mann Whitney U-test results show male and female learners' WTC significantly differ from one another (U = 5171.5, p = 0.03). Analysis of mean rank reveals that female has higher WTC than male. While using the CMC tool, learners' WTC significantly differs from those who learn in a regular classroom setting (U = 605, p = 0.01), based on findings of a non-equivalent quasi experimental study. The analysis revealed that both genders were more likely to communicate in English and were more involved in their learning, partly due to their ability to express opinions verbally and through text, emoji, and other forms of communication. The study also showed that a person's WTC is influenced by their personality, and gender did influence willingness to communicate in English in the Malaysian context.
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