Empowering adolescents: the crucial role of school guidance and counselling services in addressing educational challenges in Sri Lanka


  • Thanuja Harshanie Jayasekara Nilwala National College of Education, Wilpita, Akuressa, Sri Lanka.


Educational problems, Adolescence, Counselling, School Guidance, Counselling Unit


School Guidance and Counselling services are universally implemented to facilitate students in realizing their full potential and shaping their future lives (Smith, 2020)1. While these services play a crucial role in meeting the diverse needs of students in Sri Lanka, research indicates operational challenges (Buddhiprabha, 2016)2. This article presents findings from a survey study conducted to explore how school guidance and counselling units in Sri Lanka can contribute to resolving educational problems faced by adolescents. The main research study employed a mixed-methods design, incorporating 275 students, 24 class teachers, 5 principals and 5 counselling teachers in the Walasmulla Educational zone in Sri Lanka. The data collection involved the use of questionnaires and interviews. Quantitative analysis was conducted using percentages and charts, while qualitative analysis relied on summaries descriptive essays and structured compositions. Results highlights prevalent educational problems among adolescents, predominantly cognitive issues. Challenges related to studying, exams, the learning process, and external factors were also identified. Despite efforts by school guidance and counselling units to address these challenges, they have not been entirely successful. Notably, students who received direct counselling support reported significant assistance in overcoming their educational hurdles. This underscores the importance of formalized support structures within school guidance and counselling units in providing practical solutions to adolescents' educational challenges, ultimately better preparing them for the future.


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How to Cite

Jayasekara, T. H. (2024). Empowering adolescents: the crucial role of school guidance and counselling services in addressing educational challenges in Sri Lanka. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 8(3), 16-26. https://doi.org/10.33306/mjssh/282