Teachers’ perception towards Arabic language textbook (Al-Lughah Al Arabiyyah Al Mua’sirah) for integrated dini curriculum in enhancing students’ language skills
Teachers’ perception, Arabic Language, Textbook, Integrated Dini Curriculum (IDC), language skillsAbstract
This study explores teachers' perception of the Arabic Language textbook (Al-Lughah Al Arabiyyah Al Mua’sirah) used within the Integrated Dini Curriculum (IDC) in enhancing students’ language skills. Utilizing mixed method research, a questionnaire and interview was utilised in this study. This study examined 46 experienced Arabic language teachers across several religious schools in Perak. This study evaluates the strengths and limitations of the Arabic textbook used in the Integrated Dini Curriculum (IDC) for enhancing students' language skills. The results show that respondents generally expressed positive views, with satisfaction scores ranging from 3.5 to 4.1 on a 5-point scale, indicating moderate to high approval. The textbook's emphasis on core language skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—received the highest rating (4.0667), reflecting its effectiveness in covering essential aspects of language learning. The step-by-step grammar and topic progression organisation was also well-rated, further supporting its pedagogical approach. However, areas for improvement were identified, particularly concerning vocabulary, which received the lowest mean score (3.5217) and the highest standard deviation (0.88792), suggesting inconsistent experiences with its practicality for daily communication. The study recommends enhancing the curriculum by incorporating practical activities such as role-playing and real-life communication scenarios to better support students' speaking skills. Future research should explore on the integration of interactive and multimedia content to enhance language learning and assess the textbook's effectiveness.
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