The use of ICT in the learning of oral interaction [Penggunaan ICT dalam pembelajaran interaksi lisan]
Menawarkan pilihan, pembelajaran berarah kendiri, motivasi intrinsik, pemikiran kreatif dan kritis, Offers variety of options for learning, self-directed learning, intrinsic motivation, creative and critical thinkingAbstract
Sejak dasawarsa lalu, penggunaan alat-alat dan wadah Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (ICT) menekankan penerapan teknologi dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) dalam bilik darjah. Beberapa kajian dan laporan telah menunjukkan kesan positif daripada penggunaan ICT dalam kelas pada hasil pembelajaran dan pencapaian pelajar. Selain itu, penggunaan ICT yang lebih meluas serta pendekatan menawarkan pilihan kepada pembelajaran pelajar dapat menggalakkan pembelajaran berarah kendiri, melatih pelajar menjadi lebih berdikari dan sekali gus meningkatkan pengetahuan dan motivasi intrinsik pelajar serta membina keyakinan diri. Bahkan, hal ini merupakan kemahiran abad ke-21 yang penting dan diperlukan. Kertas kerja ini akan membentangkan kaedah ‘rembat pendapat’ sebagai pendekatan alternatif PdP (dengan menggunakan beberapa wadah ICT) yang menyeronokkan dalam menggalakkan kemahiran berkomunikasi secara berkesan dalam kalangan pelajar. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa ‘rembat pendapat’ merupakan salah satu kaedah yang efektif bagi merangsang minat para pelajar terhadap pelajaran bahasa Melayu serta melahirkan pemikiran kreatif dan kritis dalam kalangan para pelajar mengenai pelbagai isu yang berkaitan dengan budaya dan masayarakat Melayu.
[Advancements in the world of technology has certainly left positive impacts on the education industry. There have been many progressive changes in the way teaching and learning processes are delivered in classrooms. Research have shown that the effective of use of technology do produce commendable impacts on the learning processes that take place in class. The extensive use of technology offers variety of options for learning as well as it encourages self-directed learning. These in turn helps to inculcate the intrinsic motivation of learning and self-confidence among the students. As a result, these positive developments facilitates the drive towards the 21st Century skills which are highly demanded to be instilled in the hearts and minds of the students. In this research paper, we are attempting to adopt the approach of ‘Rembat Pendapat’ (Bash Your Comments) using various ICT tools as platforms and as an interesting alternative approach to deliver the teaching and learning processes of good and critical communication skills. The findings of the research on this teaching and learning approach have shown that students do benefit to a great extent of this learning journey as it facilitated effectively the process of critical and creative thinking among them in understanding the various cultural and societal issues that were used as basis of discussions in the teaching processes.]
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