Vol 4 Issue 2 2020
Original Articles
The production of bean sprout with automatic spraying system for low functioning special needs students in SMK Datuk Haji Abdul Wahab Penghasilan tanaman taugeh menggunakan sistem siraman automatik untuk pelajar-pelajar pendidikan khas masalah pembelajaran kefungsian rendah di SMK Datuk Haji Abdul Wahab
Abstract Display: 435 /
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The effect of the use of multimedia technology on year three student’s Chinese vocabulary learning
Abstract Display: 339 /
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The use of ICT in the learning of oral interaction [Penggunaan ICT dalam pembelajaran interaksi lisan]
Abstract Display: 1990 /
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Problems of using of Thai as a second language of foreign students in Chiang Mai
Abstract Display: 510 /
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The effectiveness of ICT in teaching the prefix pen- [Keberkesanan ICT dalam pengajaran imbuhan awalan pen-]
Abstract Display: 840 /
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Temple administrative system of Tamils [தமிழர்களின் திருக்கோவில் நிர்வாகம்]
Abstract Display: 343 /
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