How e-learning programs can be more individualized with artificial intelligence – a theoretical approach from a pedagogical point of view


  • Nele Rohde Heidelberg University of Education, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Nicole Flindt Heidelberg University of Education, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Christian Rietz Heidelberg University of Education, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Gulzhaina K. Kassymova Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University; Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Artificial Intelligence, e-learning, learning theories, integration, migrants, refugees


Countless e-learning programs have been developed over the last few years. Learning opportunities supported by technology have become widespread in educational contexts, and many people rely on the Internet to continue their education in personal, professional, or school contexts. Findings indicate that recently developed e-learning programs are built on modern digital tools but need more purposeful content and a different focus than traditional learning scenarios. These observations raise whether online learning features are optimal extensions to traditional in-person, in-class teaching.This article focuses on how to optimize an e-learning program with the development of a query builder based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) that leverages the know-how of pedagogical experts to incorporate pedagogical learning methods effectively. For this reason, different definitions of e-learning and traditional learning theories, e.g., behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and connectivism, will be analyzed to help derive theory ideas for an EU-funded project called “Young Refugees AI Student Empowerment Program.” Finally, the article will show some first technical results of implementation integrated into the project. Because of the project's target group, the needs, motives, and requirements of migrants and refugees will also be analyzed, and into the ideas for implementation included.


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How to Cite

Rohde, N. ., Flindt, N. ., Rietz, C. ., & K. Kassymova, G. . (2023). How e-learning programs can be more individualized with artificial intelligence – a theoretical approach from a pedagogical point of view. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 7(3), 1-17.