Methodology of developing symptomatic behavior screening tool (symbest) for children aged 3-4 years old with behavior problems.
Symptomatic Behavior, Screening Tool, Behavior Problems, Fuzzy Delphi, Nominal Group Technique.Abstract
The purpose of this research is to develop the symptomatic behaviour screening tool (SymBest)for early childhood educators to identify children with symptomatic behaviours. This quantitativestudy is using the design & development (DDR) approach by Richey & Klien, 2007.Fundamentally this approach is going through three comprehensive phases. The phases are asfollows: Phase I is Need Analysis, Phase II is Design & Development and Phase III is Usability.Participants of phase I is 434 early childhood educators (ECE) and survey design was used fordata collection. In Phase II, Fuzzy Delphi analysis was conducted with 18 expert participantsfrom diverse backgrounds of clinical and education to gain the expert consensus on thesuitability of the constructs and items representing SymBest. Finally in phase III, ModifiedNominal Group Technique was used to test the usability of SymBest among 21 ECE educatorswho are expert in the field.
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